Easy Street Financial Services 9 Business Owners 9 As a Limited Company Director, can I secure a mortgage?
As a Limited Company Director, can I secure a mortgage?
October 27, 2023

If your company has been operating for at least a year and is profitable, obtaining a mortgage should be relatively straightforward. 

However, if your company is relatively new, securing a mortgage might pose more challenges. One of the main hurdles for Limited Company Directors when applying for a mortgage is ensuring that they can borrow an appropriate amount to purchase a home. 

Lenders typically base their loan offers on your income, but many Company Directors pay themselves a modest salary and rely on dividends for additional income. 

Therefore, you may need to shop around to find a lender who will take a fair assessment of your financial position. 

Most lenders consider both your salary and dividends, and some may also factor in your company’s profit. This could potentially increase the amount you are eligible to borrow.

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