Easy Street Financial Services 9 Contractors 9 How is income assessed if you’re a Contractor on a daily rate?
How is income assessed if you’re a Contractor on a daily rate?
February 1, 2024

In terms of remuneration through a daily rate, some lenders incorporate this into their affordability calculations, deviating from the usual method of assessing income, such as payslips for the employed and accounts and tax returns for the self-employed.

Typically, lenders compute your annual pre-tax income by using your daily rate and then multiplying this by 5 (for a week) and then annualising it by multiplying by up to 48 (to allow for annual leave). Other factors like your experience, contract duration, and any employment gaps may also be taken into account. However, this method serves as the fundamental approach for lenders to evaluate income derived from a daily rate.

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