Easy Street Financial Services 9 Professionals 9 Which professions qualify for Professional Mortgages?
Which professions qualify for Professional Mortgages?
November 15, 2023

Examples of Professions that mortgage lenders consider include :

  • Accountants
  • Solicitors
  • Financial Advisers
  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Barristers
  • Architects
  • Vets

Additionally, certain groups such as graduates, higher earners, business executives, investment bankers, and asset-rich individuals may also be included.

Many mortgage lenders extend preferential terms to applicants from these professions due to their perceived lower risk. Their qualifications, stable career paths, and dependable income make them statistically safer borrowers compared to others. Consequently, some lenders offer improved deals to attract more customers from these backgrounds.

Certain lenders provide exclusive product ranges tailored specifically for professionals and high earners, while others may offer discounts or exercise greater flexibility in underwriting, especially for unique cases that might have been declined initially.

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